About me

For a long time I have wanted to create my own publishing space where I can comment on or show things which have meant something to me  at any given time. Facebook can be fun but there is a huge downside to it as it is not very creative and people are very fickle on it…. you pour your heart into something which no one looks at….. or alternatively they make some crass comment which was not what you had in mind at all 🙂
In this space I hope to engage people in the things I feel strongly about, and, with my photography,to view the world around me that I love to share with its beauty and natural wonders. From time to time I may extend to writing about matters that I feel passionate about and would love to hear from other bloggers who are like minded or even those who may not and show an alternative view.

This blog is very much a work in progress and if you are an experienced blogger , and can make helpful suggestions … please feel free to comment .

31 thoughts on “About me”

  1. I love your blog and images…the images have true emotion behind them, I also feel the way you do blogging to me feels like I am part of the world and personal, where Facebook is very commercial…much love and light

    1. Yes, I have only close friends and family and about a dozen photographers that I do not know well on FB. I tire of the constant stupidity but I love to keep in touch with all my overseas relatives on there and share pictures etc. I also do what I can to further good causes such as the environment etc I feel as though my camera is an extension of my soul …very dramatic I know, but through it I connect with the natural world so closely… I do not have expensive gear and I do not make money from it, it is all about inner healing for me and grounding myself in nature etc. I m glad the images bring you joy , once I get rolling I hope to have regular features with a different topic and better words to go with them 🙂

  2. Thanks for the like on my That’s Why Not; it gave me a path to your blog. I am not a photographer, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like pictures! I love your birds. Hope to see you around more. Your title is perfect for your blog. Descriptive and catchy.

      1. Your photography is a great travel vehicle-up close and personal! With your skills, one day, I’m sure you’ll do some exciting things. I wish I could do better with my photos…I just snap away with my iPhone!

  3. I hope one day to learn even just the basics of photography. If there is such a thing as a green thumb where plants grow and come to life… hhmm.. can I just say you have a rainbow thumb? your pictures are alive. Keep it up.

    1. Thanks so much Maria … the basics of photography are really in your eye….. pick up a camera…. look around you , and record what captures you…. anyone can do that, some just have better equipment than others, and others have a better “eye for the scene” or composition than some. If you have a camera … just go out and take some. I hope to post an inviation to others to do what I do very soon. It is in draft form at the moment but am not sure how to add a challenge or theme yet…watch this space 😀
      Cheers and thank you for looking


  4. I arrived to your blog via Camera Lucida. So glad I did! You have created a beautiful place to express your creativity, and I look forward to following your journey.

  5. Just came across your blog, and immensely enjoyed your beautiful photos and life insights! I you are well, and planning to continue “letting the light in.” 🙂

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My world through my camera …. Letting the Light in … one Frame at a Time … while I practise mindfulness and being in the moment as often as I can, I am never the less inclined to record so much of what I see on a day to day basis. I find solace behind the lens, it brings me joy to create beautiful images and fulfilment to record something that just needs to be told. I feel as if my camera at times is just an extension of myself and it will find an image in what may be the tiniest little part of the day or the world around me . Living with depression for much of my life I have been able to use it as a tool to refocus ( pardon the pun)