Category Archives: Uncategorized

Finally!! Back to blogging fundamentals

via Blogging: Fundamentals

After stumbling around in the dark, literally as I find myself awake late at night trying to navigate both WordPress and a new iPad !, I feel a victory in the wind!

Like magic , the help of The Daily Post has suddenly reappeared 🙏🏻😎 so hopefully my late night ramblings will lead to interesting and entertaining posts that will help to grow my brain and my audience

Time to get this show on the road again!

So I am just going to jump in head first and start writing about what is happening now …  kind of like speed dating only … well speed blogging?

Peace in the rainforest
Peace in the rainforest

So much has happened this summer … the good the bad … and the ugly …. that the whirlwind of events knocked us clean off our feet in my household … so a few moments with my daughter and friends in the calm of Mary Cairncross rainforest in Maleny was just what the doctor ordered.  Ahh    breathe …… sometimes it’s hard to remember that important function.

Joys come in small packages…. and the arrival of our grandson in the midst of chaos and tears really turned our Christmas around
NO …not the flying nun!!  SInce chemotherapy was going to knock my hair out within a week this beautiful hat was a welcome gift from my daughter.

Reminder to self: I sometimes do laugh with dementia…

Today, I need to remind myself I can still laugh, even with dementia… and that it is not alway a miserable experience.

Source: Reminder to self: I sometimes do laugh with dementia…


Please enjoy this wonderful interview with the irrepressible Kate Swaffer

and wake up to the realities of dementia , not just as you may know it

Camera Lucida …week #11 Challenge : Autumn

In response to  Camera Lucida Challenge : Autumn

Although on this side of the planet we are heading into summer and not winter I still managed to find some autumn tones for this challenge

Dead Banksia Seed Head
Dead Banksia Seed Head
Autumn leaves
Autumn leaves
When people plant exotics and deciduos trees in their gardens and parks we are lucky enough to experience a tiny bit of Autumn.
When people plant exotics and deciduous trees in their gardens and parks we are lucky enough to experience a tiny bit of Autumn.

Sense of hearing ….. in an image

In response to  Cees fun photo challenge – sense of hearing

I took this shot some time ago when my daughter was strumming her guitar and singing  for the opening of a friend’s art exhibition, the light and the ambience was just perfect that day

My daughter strumming her guitar – vibrations

 Cees fun photo challenge – sense of hearing

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Sense of Hearing

Cee's Photo Challenges

091515hear_2 Vintage Music Box

This is our forth week of a new series that I am calling a Habits and the 5 Senses.

This week’s topic is the colors of the sense of hearing.    You can be simple like I did this week and used instruments.  You can also get radical and show someone blasting apart a sidewalk with a jackhammer or the soothing sound of the ocean waves.  This week you can post anything that stimulates or delights you when you hear it.   Be creative and have fun. Feel free to dig around in your archives for photos if you don’t have anything new you can photograph.   Most of all I hope you have fun.

Featured Bloggers

022414-feature-bannerI had a marvelous response from all of you on last week’s color are Sense of Touch.  I want to say thank you to each of you.  Here are the featured bloggers for this week…

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Monochromatic … a new way for me to think of this term

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Monochromatic.”

This week, share with us your monochromatic images. Be calculating and creative in choosing your subject and focal point; resist the urge to simply take a photo of something with a single color range.

I found this a rather confusing challenge as I am a somewhat literally minded person, so the idea of an image being called monochromatic but then not being restricted to just one colour range just didn’t make any sense to me. With  this in mind I looked at a few images I have done recently where I explored the monochromatic theme  and this was my favourite… monochromatic birds on a very dull pallet were accentuated by removing all but the hint of colour that the birds themselves feature .

Down the line
Feeling Blue
Feeling Blue

Daily Post Monochromatic Challenge

A Good Day ….. one of many at the beach

I was thinking that there was a challenge to write a post  entitled  “A Good Day”, not sure where I saw it now but I wanted to try out the new Mesh App .

(I am hoping this does not give access to my dashboard as it wouldn’t let me use the basic link as I was signed in)

Anyway, I used to walk a dog called Benji ( a lovable Black Labrador) for some elderly friends and one of the things we loved to do was to go to the beach together. Instead of writing a post with lots of words about a good day, I though i would let my pictures do the talking . At this stage I am finding Mesh just a little bit cumbersome to use but  as it is new they are working on the bugs every day so I will enthusiastically  look forward to playing with it some more.

Hope you enjoy a good day at one of my favourite local beach spots with one of my best mates.  He is still patiently waiting for me to get back to him on the next walk…. so far has been waiting for a long time since the last outing …. and yes.. I feel guilty about that 🙂  He has been with me during the darkest of times, and for that I will never forget his wonderful personality. He is, by the way, … very much still alive even though it doesn’t sound like it . I have just been busy with other life challenges and need to get back to my old friend.