All posts by Letting the Light in ... one frame at a time

I am a nature lover who is lucky enough to live in Queensland in one of the most beautiful spots ... the Sunshine Coast. Photography has always been a passion for me and is a great way to escape from the daily stresses of life .... I try to share natural images to encourage others to be aware and participate in life and our natural world and enjoy each moment that we are given on this precious earth. In more recent times I have been reminded of the fragility of life once again and the importance of being mindful to live and experience each moment as if it could be our last. Now living with secondary breast cancer I am finding it has changed my view of the world even after living with the threat for thirty years since y first occurrence. This is my life ....

Tulips … glorious buds !

Thinking about tulips in response to


A few months ago I was travelling across Australia and managed to make it to two different tulip and garden festivals Living in tropical Queensland , see tulips en masse was a delight to my senses.

These were taken at the Araluen Festival in Roleystone , my old home town ❤️❤️🌹🌷

A change of direction for Facebook

This will be the first of my redirected posts coming from my blog   Get Your Lens On … Letting the Light in … One Frame at a Time

Content will be less about the local area and more about my relationship with health and mindfulness and how our local environment interacts with these concepts.  This feed may be interspersed with direct posts done locally and inspired by sudden bursts of passion about the Sunshine Coast ❤

Finally!! Back to blogging fundamentals

via Blogging: Fundamentals

After stumbling around in the dark, literally as I find myself awake late at night trying to navigate both WordPress and a new iPad !, I feel a victory in the wind!

Like magic , the help of The Daily Post has suddenly reappeared 🙏🏻😎 so hopefully my late night ramblings will lead to interesting and entertaining posts that will help to grow my brain and my audience

Time to get this show on the road again!

So I am just going to jump in head first and start writing about what is happening now …  kind of like speed dating only … well speed blogging?

Peace in the rainforest
Peace in the rainforest

So much has happened this summer … the good the bad … and the ugly …. that the whirlwind of events knocked us clean off our feet in my household … so a few moments with my daughter and friends in the calm of Mary Cairncross rainforest in Maleny was just what the doctor ordered.  Ahh    breathe …… sometimes it’s hard to remember that important function.

Joys come in small packages…. and the arrival of our grandson in the midst of chaos and tears really turned our Christmas around
NO …not the flying nun!!  SInce chemotherapy was going to knock my hair out within a week this beautiful hat was a welcome gift from my daughter.

Reminder to self: I sometimes do laugh with dementia…

Today, I need to remind myself I can still laugh, even with dementia… and that it is not alway a miserable experience.

Source: Reminder to self: I sometimes do laugh with dementia…


Please enjoy this wonderful interview with the irrepressible Kate Swaffer

and wake up to the realities of dementia , not just as you may know it

Once in a Blood Moon …..

Bad moon rising
The moment when this blood orange coloured moon rose from the ocean this night was simply breathtaking, I couldn’t take my eyes off it
Nothing puts this world into perspective more than thinking that this colourful ball is being lit by the sun that otherwise lights our days
In just a few moments of stillness this amazing ball just rose into the sky against a backdrop of blue sky turning to dark grey as the sun on the opposite side of the sky slowly sank to earth with a fiery glow
With a miracle of the universe occurring right behind them, this group of fitness fanatics did not deviate for one moment from their boot camp training ..... I know... I am an exercise and fitness philistine ... but seriously .... how can you not take the time to appreciate such a monumentally beautiful occurrence ? It did seem to be representative of our lifestyle these days.... so much busyness!!!
With a miracle of the universe occurring right behind them, this group of fitness fanatics did not deviate for one moment from their boot camp training ….. I know… I am an exercise and fitness philistine … but seriously …. how can you not take the time to appreciate such a monumentally beautiful occurrence ? It did seem to be representative of our lifestyle these days…. so much busyness!!!
By the light of the silvery moon .....
The blood red moon soon changed to a silvery delight as night fell

Camera Lucida …week #11 Challenge : Autumn

In response to  Camera Lucida Challenge : Autumn

Although on this side of the planet we are heading into summer and not winter I still managed to find some autumn tones for this challenge

Dead Banksia Seed Head
Dead Banksia Seed Head
Autumn leaves
Autumn leaves
When people plant exotics and deciduos trees in their gardens and parks we are lucky enough to experience a tiny bit of Autumn.
When people plant exotics and deciduous trees in their gardens and parks we are lucky enough to experience a tiny bit of Autumn.

An image to show a sense of taste for Cees Fun Photo Challenge

I took this image especially for the challenge this week on Cees fun Photo challenge – a sense of taste

As I was having fun slicing and placing such colourful food, I decided it would be nice to set the dish among my herbs in the garden to add to the sense of taste theme …. imagine my surprise when a beautiful little Lady Bug decided  to taste as well !!!
